The central focus for this project was to create a better link between society and post homeless people through food.
From the research conducted I found that currently there is a lack of communication in stakeholders surrounding homeless people. This service would ensure that all stakeholders create a better network for homeless people, ensuring society is at the forefront of this.
From the research conducted I found that currently there is a lack of communication in stakeholders surrounding homeless people. This service would ensure that all stakeholders create a better network for homeless people, ensuring society is at the forefront of this.

Research shows that coming out of homelessness is a vital time to implement change to ensure the cycle of poverty is broken. For this to succeed, homeless people need to feel like citizens and a part of society. While conducting interviews with homeless people (past and present), community kitchens, and soup kitchen volunteers it became clear that most homeless people in Glasgow do not, and often never, feel a part of society.
Speaking to a man who was ‘hidden homeless’ triggered the thought that many people want to help those in need, sometimes we just don’t know how to make a big enough impact. Not only is this valuable for the receiver, it is also equally beneficial to the donor. This service would be a collaborative cooking and dining experience, with equal benefits to both users.
After discussions with various stakeholders showing my work, it was evident that the service would take form of a system that allowed a domino effect of support to be accessible. This service allows the post homeless user to establish a connection with a ‘buddy’ with the idea that they will later become a buddy for a new user down the line.